Sprint 40 Release Notes 10-07-2019
This document describes enhancements and corrections for School LINQ.
- Reports and Check Viewers once again display as a print dialog window after clicking the Print button instead of downloading a PDF version for print.
Fund Management
Manage Accounts
Setup Budget (AL)
- NEW! Users are now able to assign a Finalize Date when completing their budgets.
- After clicking the button, a Finalize Budget dialog box will display with a new Finalize Date field.
The date in the Date Field will default to today’s date, but this is editable.
Users are able to back-date within the fiscal year.
Once finalized, no additional changes to the budget can be made.
- After clicking the button, the amounts entered will now carry over to the next amendment version.
If an account with a balance is modified to ‘0.00’, a record will exist in the Transaction History that clears out that balance on that account.
AL Specific: State Monthly Reporting
- The Initial Budget Amount will now appear in the Last Approved Budget Column, previously Amended Budget Amount Column, when generating the Budget Report and Budget File.
- NEW! If the Allow Clocking-in check box is checked, Admins can now assign jobs to a default Timesheet Approval Group in the new Timesheet Approval Group drop-down list, which allows certain users to approve their time.
- The Timesheet Approval Group drop-down list only displays active Timesheet Approval Groups.
- The Timesheet Approval Group drop-down list options are managed in System Settings.
- The Timesheet Approval Group drop-down list can be left blank.
- The Timesheet Approval Group drop-down list only displays active Timesheet Approval Groups.
- When a user adds or changes a Timesheet Approval Group, and one or more other employees hold the same job, a message appears asking the user if they want to implement the change to all employees with that job.
When clicking the button, employees with that job DO NOT get the updates to the Timesheet Approval Group.
When clicking the button, employees with that job DO get the updates to the Timesheet Approval Group.
- When a user adds or changes a Timesheet Approval Group, and one or more other employees hold the same job, a message appears asking the user if they want to implement the change to all employees with that job.
- The maximum length of the Deduction Code field has been set to 15 characters.
Highest Degree Setup
- NEW! Admins can now manage the list of available values in the new Highest Degree Earned drop-down list on the General Info tab in the Manage Employees page.
- Values can be added, edited and deleted in Highest Degree Setup, but Admins cannot delete a value if it is attached to a record.
- Each entry has a Key value and a Display value.
- The Key value will be stored when the item is selected.
- The Display value will be displayed in the field on the screen for the customer.
- Both the Key value and Display value are limited to 50 characters or less.
- No duplicate Key or Display values are allowed.
- Both values can be empty to allow for a blank list item that can be used to clear the field value on any input/edit screens.
- Each entry has an Active flag. Inactive list items will not be included in any Highest Degree Earned autocomplete lists, thereby preventing their continued use.
- If an entry's Key value is edited, and the entry is already in use, users will be given the choice of updating all existing employees that use the old Key value to use the new Key value, or to cancel the update.
Manage Employees
Manage Employees: General Info Tab
- NEW! The General Info tab now includes a Highest Degree Earned drop-down list that allows users to select degrees, certifications and licenses from a list of options.
- Selections in the Highest Degree Earned drop-down list are predetermined based on the user’s state (e.g., North Carolina).
NEW! The General Info tab now includes a Suffix drop-down list that allows users to select a suffix from a list of choices.
The Suffix drop-down list may be left blank.
- The Suffix can be added, changed or deleted at any time.
- NEW! If the Allow Clocking-in check box is checked, Admins can now assign jobs to a default Timesheet Approval Group in the new Timesheet Approval Group drop-down list, which allows certain users to approve their time.
- The Timesheet Approval Group drop-down list is pre-populated with the Timesheet Approval Groups assigned to the job. NOTE: The Timesheet Approval Group can be overridden to a different Timesheet Approval Group per job.
Manage Employees: Retirement Tab
- Employee Amount and Employer Matching Amount can be set to ‘0.00’ if the retirement deduction is set to non-standard (non-NC).
- If the Employee Amount and/or Employer Matching Amount is set to ‘0.00’, a warning message appears allowing users to verify the amount/percentage and save without error.
Manage Employees: Contacts/Dependents Tab
- In the Living Arrangements section, users are now unable to select both ‘Lives w/ Employee’ and ‘Lives w/ Another Contact’ in any context.
Manage Timesheets
- In Manage Timesheets, users are now only able to approve time for employee jobs that are tied to Timesheet Approval Groups to which the user has access.
- Users with View/Edit rights can still add and update unapproved time entries; however, they are now unable to approve them.
- Users with View/Edit rights can approve time for all employee jobs that are not tied to any Timesheet Approval Group.
NC Specific
- If a Suffix is present on an Employee Profile, and the Employee is included in the ORBIT File, the Suffix will now be included in the ORBIT File.
System Settings
User Management
Users: TS Approval Groups
- NEW! Admins with rights to Manage Timesheets can now manage Timesheet Approval Groups with the new TS Approval Groups tab.
- The TS Approval Groups tab displays all Timesheet Approval Groups from the TS Approval Groups tab in Employee LINQ Setup.
- The Assign to all Time Sheet Approval Groups check box allows Admins to assign all currently defined and any future defined Timesheet Approval Groups to a user, while the Select check box only allows Admins to assign all currently defined Timesheet Approval Groups to a user.
System Setup
EmployeeLINQ Setup: TS Approval Groups Tab
- NEW! Admins can now add and delete Timesheet Approval Groups, and mark Timesheet Approval Groups as Active/Inactive in the new TS Approval Groups tab. NOTE: Timesheet Approval Groups cannot be deleted if they are attached to any employee or job.
- All users with rights to approve timesheets now have access to the default Timesheet Approval Group.
- Users can define Timesheet Approval Group Name and Description.
- The Timesheet Approval Group can be left blank.
- Any user with access to approve timesheets are now allowed to approve time for any employee that does not have a defined Timesheet Approval Group.
- Security is enforced on the EmployeeLINQ Setup page according to the Timesheet Approval Group access (No Access vs. Read-Only vs. View/Edit)
- Users with View/Edit rights have the ability to edit the list of Authorized Users of a Timesheet Approval Group. Changes will be reflected in the User Management: Users: TS Approval Groups tab.
- Users have the ability to print reports showing jobs assigned to a Timesheet Approval Group and report showing employee jobs assigned to a Timesheet Approval Group.
School Accounting
Cash Management
- The information on the Deposit Register now only displays information related to sites to which the user has access.
- In all modules of School LINQ (e.g., Payroll), once a user has left the module’s landing page, users are now able to return to the module’s landing page by clicking the module’s icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
Sprint 59 Release Notes, released on 07-27-2020, are available here.
Sprint 48/49 Release Notes, released on 02-17-2020, are available here.
Sprint 46/47 Release Notes, released on 01-13-2020, are available here.
Sprint 44 & 45 Release Notes, released on 12-17-2019, are available here.
Sprint 43 Release Notes, released on 11-18-2019, are available here.
Sprint 42 Release Notes, released on 11-04-2019, are available here.
Sprint 41 Release Notes, released on 10-21-2019, are available here.
Sprint 40 Release Notes, released on 10-07-2019, are available here.
Sprint 39 Release Notes, released on 09-23-2019, are available here.
Sprint 37/38 Release Notes, released on 09-05-2019, are available here.
Sprint 36 Release Notes, released on 08-08-2019, are available here.
Sprint 34/35 Release Notes, released on 07-25-2019, are available here.
Sprint 33 Release Notes, released on 06-13-019, are available here.
Sprint 32 Release Notes, released on 06-13-2019, are available here.
Sprint 31 Release Notes, released on 05-30-2019, are available here.
Sprint 30 Release Notes, released on 05-16-2019, are available here.
Sprint 29 Release Notes, released on 05-02-2019, are available here.
Sprint 28 Release Notes, released on 04-18-2019, are available here.
Sprint 27 Release Notes, released on 04-04-2019, are available here.
Sprint 26 Release Notes, released on 03-21-2019, are available here.
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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021